Why Donate?

When we run a training course we seldom make much. A one-day 6-hour seminar I attended in Phoenix on employee relations came with an eight-page handout and cost $165.

Our Prayer Resolution seminar is 40-50 hours, has a 163 page syllabus and costs less than $400! With travel and meals we usually break even and might even have a "profit". Our aim is not profit but keeping the costs low enough so people will attend.

When we guide people in Prayer Resolution, if they stay with us for two weeks, then some can cover costs and some cannot. We recently had someone for two weeks. We picked the person up at the airport (3-hour trip), covered the meals ($200+ cost), housing ($400). The gift/donation covered 75% of these costs and we did 60 hours of sessions--If we did not consider Room & Board but just the sessions then we each made $4.00 an hour!

If we have helped you in the past though Prayer Resolution, training or through our books then please consider a monthly donation to help us help others. If eveyone we have helped just gave a small monthy donation ($10-25) we woud not have to subsidize this work with our social security.

We once drove 1500 miles to help a woman. We covered all our costs, even meals, she was that poor. We would do it again. An interesting sidenote: after we guided her in Prayer Resolution she no longer had night terrors even though we did not cover those.