A Journey to Wholeness


An overview of what Prayer Resolution is and what Prayer Resolution involves. There is a comparison between secular counseling, prayer counseling and prayer resolution with the distinctives that sets Prayer Resolution apart. There is a need to recognize the effects of the “power sins” that carry past the Cross and into the New Birth. What are the prayer essentials or perspectives needed so God can answer our prayer? What can hinder our prayers and how do we go about getting resolution/closure?

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Table of Contents:

Rethinking the Birth of Counseling

Counseling: Past & Present

Effective Prayer

Counseling and/or Prayer

Law & Grace

The Reality of Sin

Implications from the Law

Christ’s Sacrifice

The Father/Child Connection

Jesus & the Holy Spirit’s Participation

Satan’s Opposition

The Priestly Role

Forgiveness: A Key

Misconceptions about the Way

Misconceptions about God

Misconceptions about Forgiveness

Counseling Considerations

General Checklist

Putting it all Together

Some Emotional Responses

After Resolution
